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Japanese Used Car Exporter - trusted & certificated company in Japan
100% guaranteed, Highest quality & low mileage at the lowest price
Business Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00-18:00
JAPAN TIME: Wed 20:42 pm
We express our sincerest gratitude to all our existing customers and a new and prospect customer who found and interested in our website.
We, MANGO-AUTO.JP, are one of the largest leading exporter of Japanese used vehicles with right and left handle including all types of Japanese used car, truck, bus, as well as brand new, and authentic car parts, based in Nagoya, one of the biggest cities in JAPAN, world known as logistic infrastructure.
We have launched this Japanese used car Online Shopping directly to worldwide customers including individuals, a family man or woman, a student, and a representative of company, government office, school, hospital, or any organizations, anywhere in the world. Even if you do not know much about Japanese used vehicles, we will take care of your purchase and find the right one for meeting all your expectations at the best price.
And, pleased to supply our customers with our highest-quality and safest used vehicles and most reliable online service through this website from our customer's standpoints, and confident of finding any type of used vehicles you are satisfied with, in our stock from our end-user, domestic wholesaler or dealer, or used car auction houses in Japan.
Our professional sales staff gives excellent service to worldwide customers, to support their car purchase even if the first time to import directly from Japan. Our service is not only until you receive your vehicle, but also we give you our great service after that. We take good care of your vehicle in the long term for your future vehicle and the needs of authentic car parts to be guaranteed, with our transparency, remarkable reputation, and the most competitive price directly from Japan.
Please feel free to call us or e-mail at for your any questions.
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If you want to know more about Japanese used car, click here.
Shun Asakura - Sales Dept.
© 2014-2025 MANGO JAPAN LTD.